How We Work
- We are committed to searching out the needs and challenges in the communities we work in, then seeking to address them.
- We seek to serve as a catalyst to make things happen.
- We work with governments as well as NGOs and churches.
- We partner with other indigenous organizations to help make their vision a reality.
- We convene gatherings of people from different walks of life to work on particular issues.
- We continually search out needs in the communities we serve to explore ways we can help meet them.
- We provide expertise and experience in the local community.
- We seek to complement – not to compete or duplicate.
Our work is aimed at:
- Facilitating and strategizing for maximum impact within the community.
- Funding the indigenous efforts as our means permit through CADAC.
Strategic Objectives:
CADAC’s strategic objectives are designed to provide solutions that result in individual and community enhancement:
- Enhance holistic health and quality of life of children, youth and families.
- Provide employment and entrepreneurship opportunities with emphasis on empowerment through micro-finance.
- Mobilize and leverage resources from internal and external sources; including individuals, private foundations and development donors.
- Build and strengthen leadership capacities for sustainable development.
- Build youth knowledge and skills training in information technology.
- Empower people in communities we serve with skills for self-sufficiency.
What we do:
- Small business initiatives (micro-finance)
- Unreached People Groups
- Medical Outreach
- Agricultural for sustainable development
- Educational support to less privileged Students (through various forms of sponsorship)
- Youth Development & Leadership Formation
- Assistance to inmates
- Short-term missions
- CADAC (Community Awareness & Development association Cameroon)
- Running of orphanages and support to vulnerable children
- After School Programs